Catch Up Crochet

Baby Love
Once again I’m working on some catch up crochet. 2016, this year of pregnancy and new baby have gone by in the blink of an eye, especially with a newborn. These have been such a happy months, and it’s hard for me to believe my little one is 2 months old already! They grow so fast, don’t they? And after having two babies who never liked to sleep, Clara has been a dream! She sleeps well through the night and cuddles up to me in the sling, napping throughout the day. I love snuggling her and breathing in her baby scent, and her big brothers love her to death, too. They have even acted as watchful eyes over her, letting me actually get showers in, and even an uninterrupted meal or two! To say I feel blessed would be a huge understatement. I’m over the moon!
I’ve even been able to get (a little bit of) crocheting in. That’s been less easy, considering that crochet takes two hands and what Miss Clara makes up for with her napping is the desire to be held most of the time. This leaves me with only one free hand. But during those naps, when I’m not trying to catch up on the housework, I have managed to get a little bit of time in. (Anyone want to invent a one-handed crochet method?)
I’m pretty certain I won’t be making crochet gifts for everyone (or anyone) for holiday gifts this year, and it’ll likely be midway through 2017 before I finish up the 2016 bamcal squares. But I am getting a few squares done here and there. It’s almost essential to my well being to not go too long without crocheting at least something.
Like this square, for example. This is the November main square for the crochet-along. Pane in My Dahlia is a hilarious play on words (read about it and get the free pattern here). I’m not usually a big fan of huge, 3d floral motifs, but in some cases, the results can be stunning, and this is one of those scenarios. I love the way this flower looks. I used the crochet tapestry method, carrying yarn along the back in order to achieve the white petal outlines, and I added a slip stitch around the edge of the flower into the back loops and a fpsc into the posts. The red center petals photographed a little bright, but I really like how the overall square turned out.

Pane in my Dahlia Crochet Square
The other one that I finished up is the September filler square, which is Lotus Pavilions by Helen Shrimpton. I knew I’d like this pattern because I love Helen’s crochet designs to begin with. This one was no exception – well written, pretty overall and well detailed. It’s available as a free download either through Ravelry or on her website, Crystals and Crochet. As complicated as it looks, it was so much fun to make that time flew!

Lotus Pavilions
The other bamcal squares will slowly come along. I’m not putting too much pressure on myself to get things done with a newborn; I know this song and dance all too well. With all the stacks of unfinished projects alongside me, it’s hard not to want to work on them all. But I have to remind myself to take deep breaths and pace myself. The yarn will be there waiting for me, but my baby keeps on growing.
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