Recent Crochet Pattern Purchases – March
Every month or so, I go through my cart on Ravelry and purchase a few of the crochet patterns that I’ve been wanting. I used to try to stick with free patterns, but over the years I’ve realized how much time and effort goes into writing out, testing, refining and creating a well thought out and cohesive crochet pattern. Usually the designer has put hours and hours of work into the patterns, and just as most people appreciate being compensated for hard work and effort, the few dollars they ask in exchange for their patterns is (to me), fair, and worth it.
I like to go through the new and “hot right now” patterns on Ravelry every so often, and as I come across patterns that I like, I add them to my cart. Then every month or two when I have a bit of extra money, I’ll go through and purchase a few of them that I still am in love with, and then print them out. I have many, many more patterns than hours left in my lifetime that I could actually make all of the items, but I comfort myself in knowing that if the zombie apocalypse ever happened, that I would still have plenty to crochet. Also (and more realistically), there have been patterns that I love that have gone offline and that I’ve been unable to find again. After experiencing that a couple of times, I do my best to buy, save, and print out those crochet patterns that I love.
Anyway, I thought I’d share some of these paid patterns. And no, I am not getting compensated in any shape or way for these – they’re all personal preference. The prices are current at the time of this post, but they may go up or down as the designer wishes in the future, and while I’ll do my best to keep things current, you may find a different price than what I have posted. All of these are Ravelry downloads, which means you need a Ravelry account (which is free) in order to purchase them.

Cat Baby Cocoon Hat & Bootie Set by Chi Krneta
Are you a cat person? My first pet was a beautiful, blue point Siamese that I found (yes, found!) outside my apartment door and that I took in, waiting for someone to come and claim him. No one ever did, and he was my little buddy for years and years. He was truly the most affectionate and loyal cat, and he turned me into a true cat person (love to you wherever you are in the clouds, little one!) This little cat sack is just adorable, isn’t it? I think this would make just the cutest little photo prop for Clara one day – a kitty sleep sack with a matching hat. Even though she’s growing so quickly that she’d definitely need the next size up. Still, it’s not an overly complicated pattern and doesn’t seem like it would take too long to make. The pattern can be found here for $3.99.

Doctor Who Dalek Hanging Towel by Critical Stitch
Okay, I’ll be honest. I have enough Whovians in my life that the list of those who would be thrilled to get something like this for Christmas is loooooong (mental note – make a bunch of these for the holidays!) And if you’re not a Dr. Who fan, these are Dalek dishtowels, made to look like a certain mutant race on the show. I just love these, and I couldn’t not buy the pattern. And while they’re adorable and recognizable, they don’t look to be a very over-complicated pattern either! This pattern can be purchased following this link on Ravelry for $2.99.

Baby Bot Britches by Amanda Chapman
Part of the joy of new babies is making them cute little things to wear (plus, when they’re that young, they really can’t complain about all the cutesy things all the family members put them in!). I find these little robot pants so cute. And if I made them from a wool yarn, they could double as soakers even. There are so many knit patterns for these kinds of wearables, so it’s awesome to see a just as well made crochet version. I could just picture that cute little robot face over a big baby tush. Definitely going in the queue. These cute pants can be purchased alone for C$ 4.50 or as a part of a 30-pattern e-book of several crochet patterns for babies and children for C$ 20. Either option can be found on this Ravelry link. Discount codes for buying some (but not all) the patterns are also found at that address as well.

Fiorella Baby by Deanne Ramsay
More baby stuff, to be sure. I’m in love with this cute little sundress, and it will be perfect for Miss Clara come the summertime when she’s outdoors every day and learning to walk at the same time. I like the variety that the colors in this dress lend themselves to, and I already have color schemes going in my head of which one I’d want to make first. Clara is indeed going to have an enviable handmade wardrobe! This is another pattern can be purchased on its own for $6, or as part of a 5-pattern e-book for $14. Either can be purchased here.

Valentine Wreath by Marjolein Flick
And moving on from all the baby stuff is this absolutely gorgeous Valentine Wreath. And while Valentine’s Day is over, I think this could very easily be modified into beautiful springtime wreath that could hang on my back door, where the Christmas Wreath still needs to be taken down (ha). I could see several versions of this through the seasons – warm golds and oranges for a fall wreath, bluebirds and budding flowers for spring; even a red and white holiday version. The pattern is available on Ravelry for €6.50 following this link.

Free Spirit Knee High Slipper Socks by Clarissa Paige Dove
Okay, and how could I not just love these? They’re so completely my style, and practical on top of being cute (my wooden floors get chilly through the winter). How cute would it be to make a matching mother and baby set for Clara and me? Oh, the possibilities are endless. The $3.50 pattern can be found on this Ravelry link here.

Crossbow Square Afghan Block by The Perfect Knot – Michelle Kovach
And finally – I crochet granny squares more than I crochet anything else, so I’m always sure to add a square or two to my cart and purchases. Making squares really has been the best way for me to hone my crochet skills, try new stitches and play with color, so they’re worth their weight in gold to me. The two granny square crochet patterns that I purchased this month are these two, the Crossbow Square (above) and the Leaf Stitch Granny Square (below)

Leaf Stitch Granny Square by Jyneffer Dill
I love the cross stitch motif in the center of the former, and how easily it glides into a standard granny. For the latter, I really like the extended stitches that give it so much texture and uniqueness (it kind of reminds me of the Presine a Fiori Square that I made for the Pink Lemonade swap a few years back. The Crossbow Square is a $1.00 Ravelry download, found here, and the Leaf Stitch Granny Square can be found here, for $2.50 .
As I was linking all the patterns to this blog post, I found several more patterns that I’m falling in love with, so I’m off to go spend some time browsing all the gorgeous designs until the little one wakes up, hungry and looking for mama. Have a great Thursday, and happy crocheting!
~ Mellie
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