Crochet Star Blanket for Baby
Just a little crochet star blanket for my sweet little baby…
I’m behind on everything. I’m behind on messages, on comments, and on keeping up with this blog. Taking care of four kids is no joke, lol. It’s actually wonderful, with the sweetness of an infant and the joy of a toddler, this time with two older boys who are old enough to watch the girls so I can shower or take the pups out while the Mr is at work. It’s a home full of happiness, yes, also full of chaos and craziness, but also full of love. I’m homeschooling the boys again this year, and even though it seemed like it would be an impossible task with caring for the babies too, along with a whole household full of animals, we’ve actually fallen into a pretty good routine.
However, something had to give, and so there’s been little time for crafting and crocheting. It’s disappointing, but also, I suppose, very normal for this time in life. So the little bits that I do finally finish here and there are wonderful accomplishments that I’m always excited to share. And I am starting to eke out little bits of time here and there again for myself, now that the fourth trimester is over and Alice is able to spend more time exploring the world around her without being constantly latched at the breast.
So here is the latest accomplishment, a crochet star blanket for my littlest baby. The pattern is called Beth’s Little Star Afghan, and can be found for free here online. It actually work up quite quickly, and what I like best about it is that it’s going to be really easy to add more rounds as she gets bigger and bigger. I kind of like the idea of a baby blanket that grows with baby. They grow so quickly too…

… snuggled up in love …
I’m cherishing these little moments. I hope all of your crocheting has been productive!
*1 Comment*
Good blog. It is very beautiful crochet star shape baby blanket.